We’re delighted to have a 60% bid success rate for our funding applications
Why do funding bids succeed or fail?
Experience tells us that the two main reasons why funding bids fail are very simple ones: not meeting the funder’s criteria (eg a community garden when the funder only supports homelessness); or not completing the form properly – missing off those vital attachments for example.
So to maximise your chance of success, and before you spend hours writing a bid, always double check that the funder actually wants to support the work you deliver; it is well worth calling to discuss your application and most funders are happy to have a conversation. Then, once you’ve carefully crafted your application and before you submit it, ask someone else to double check everything – including the attachments and even the grammar.
Experience and plain speaking
We put our 60% success rate down to experience, a thorough knowledge of funders and their requirements, and the time we invest in getting to know our clients. We’re also sure that our excellent grasp of grammar and a healthy measure of plain speaking helps too, which means your project will stand out for all the right reasons. For support and a little plain speaking contact us.
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